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Relentless Genetics
Trop Cherry Gas v2

Trop Cherry Gas v2

producido de Relentless Genetics

Aquí puede encontrar toda la información sobre Trop Cherry Gas v2 de Relentless Genetics. Si busca información sobre Trop Cherry Gas v2 de Relentless Genetics, consulte la Información Principal, Linaje / Genealogía o Híbridos / Cruces sobre esta variedad de cannabis aquí en esta página y siga los enlaces para obtener aún más información. Si tienes alguna experiencia personal con el cultivo o el consumo de esta variedad de cannabis, ¡utiliza los enlaces de carga para subirlos a la base de datos!

Información del criador

Trop Cherry Gas v2 es una variedad mostly sativa de y se puede cultivar interiores (donde las plantas femeninas necesitarán un período de floración de ±63 días) y exteriores. Semillas de Trop Cherry Gas v2 de Relentless Genetics es dominante en THC y solo están disponibles en versiones feminizadas.

Descripción de Relentless Genetics Trop Cherry Gas v2

Relentless Genetics Trop Cherry Gas v2 Trop Cherry Gas v2 is the regular version of the highly popular v1 feminized strain. It was developed by Relentless Genetics through a meticulous breeding process. Initially, they selected a stud from the original Trop Cherry F1 line and used it to pollinate the renowned Runtz cut. The resulting offspring exhibit an abundance of trichomes, giving the purple flowers a captivating glistening appearance and enhancing their bag appeal. According to testers, the flowers derived from Trop Cherry Gas v2 offer an exceptional taste experience, surpassing many other strains. They are particularly enjoyable when smoked in a joint. The terpene profiles of Trop Cherry Gas v2 encompass a range of aromas, ranging from citrusy notes reminiscent of orange soda to a hashy scent resembling e85 gas.
Most phenotypes of this strain complete their flowering phase within 63 days or even less.
The plants exhibit an average growth rate during the vegetative stage and approximately double in size when the flower is endured. Additionally, they tend to produce above-average yields and boast a higher potency compared to the trop cherry clone. Overall, Trop Cherry Gas v2 is considered an easy-to-grow and enjoyable strain that offers a delightful cultivation experience.

Genetics: Runtz x Trop Cherry
Flowering Time: 9 weeks
Yield: Above Average

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Trop Cherry Gas v2 Linaje / Genealogía

Árbol Genealógico de Trop Cherry Gas v2

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Híbridos & Cruces con Trop Cherry Gas v2

Blu-Hemi x Trop Cherry Gas v2

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