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The Real Seed Co.

The Real Seed Company

The Real Seed Company @ SeedFinders Base de datos de criadores

Aquí puedes encontrar toda la infórmacion sobre el criador de cannabis The Real Seed Company. Hemos recopilado info sobre 40 Variedades de Cannabis de raza de The Real Seed Company (2 de estas cepas obtuvieron opiniones de los usuarios de SeedFinder, con una calificación promedio de 4.38 sobre 10.) Haga clic en los nombres para encontrar más información, fotos, comentarios, comparaciones y tiendas para una variedad - y / o consulte la Información del Obtentor aquí en la página para obtener más información sobre The Real Seed Company. También es posible visualizar todas las variedades de The Real Seed Company junto con todos sus padres o híbridos con nuestros mapas dinámicos. Échale un vistazo!

Mas informacion sobre este cultivador:

The Real Seed Company is a group of collectors dedicated to releasing traditional connoisseur cannabis strains in their pure, unhybridised form. Global ecology has reached crisis point, and cannabis is no exception: the biodiveristy of one of the world's most ancient crop plants is now under serious threat. Founded in 2007 in response to the damage being inflicted on top-end cannabis cultivars by prohibition, The Real Seed Company has taken an unprecedented step in the history of cannabis seed banks by offering an extensive and open catalogue of rare and authentic heirloom cannabis varities that can be owned by everyone.

All of our lines are fully authentic ganja, charas and hashish cultivars from the ancient heartlands of cannabis culture. With a wide range of varieties from high CBD potential genepools for medical users and breeders, and fine representives of renowned high THC ganja and charas lines from legendary regions like Kerala, Thailand and Mazar-i-Sharif, The Real Seed Company catalogue is already unparalleled - and it's growing all the time.