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Sensation Seeds
Sensation CBD

Sensation CBD

producido de Sensation Seeds

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Información del criador

Sensation CBD es una variedad de floración automática ruderalis/indica/sativa de y se puede cultivar interiores y exteriores, donde las plantas femeninas, autoflorecientes necesitan ±74 días desde la siembra hasta la cosecha. Semillas de Sensation CBD de Sensation Seeds es una Variedad CBD con la misma cantidad de THC y CBD y solo están disponibles en versiones feminizadas.

Descripción de Sensation Seeds Sensation CBD

Sensation Seeds Sensation CBD Sensation CBD by Sensation Seeds pools the sharp lemon flavor and a mentally elevating high of Lemon Haze with the delicate tones and effective CBD content of Juanita la Lagrimosa. This Lemon Automatic CBD is the autoflowering form of the mythical "Hollands cut." We've crisscrossed this plant with a Juanita x Lowryder hybrid, and it also has a very high CBD content. By then crossing this more with a key specimen of ruderalis, we have formed one of our purest and most converging strains to date. Appropriate for growing both outdoors and indoors, Sensation CBD is a very versatile cannabis strain subjugated by the sativa side of her genetics.

Sensation CBD is appropriate for outdoor and indoor cultivation, likewise guerrilla and greenhouses crops. It is easy to grow, and its development is vigorous and fast. It develops a lot of robust side branches surrounding a prominent main stem.

If grown in a greenhouse or indoors, this strain can effortlessly reach 1 meter in height. Sensation CBD will go from seed to harvest within 11 weeks. In the end, she’s able to produce harvests of up to 500g/m² dependent on how she was developed. Outdoors, Sensation CBD has the prospective to go a little further, particularly when grown in a sunny, warm climate. In this circumstances, she can reach heights between 110-160cm. She still takes just under 11 weeks to move from seed to harvest outdoors and can manufacture up to 160g per plant for your time.

We sought to keep the distinctive taste and smell of the Amnesia "Hollands cut," highly rich in limonene with great citric notes. Some phenotypes have a delightful cherry scent, particularly when the buds are ripe. It’s suitable for numerous therapeutic actions thanks to its 1:1 THC:CBD ratio. The outcome is moderated and balanced, improving the mood and encouraging a very enjoyable feeling of wellbeing. It’s a perfect strain to begin treatments with cannabis.

Sativa 20%
Indica 80%
Height indoor 80 - 135 cm
Height Outdoor 170 - 220 cm
Effect Clear high, mental focused
Flowering Time 7 - 8 weeks
Gen Lemon Haze x Juanita la Lagrimosa x Ruderalis
Type CBD Autoflowering
Yield indoor 440 - 550 gr m2
Yield outdoor 600 - 950 gr
Harvest 10 ~ 11 wks after planting
CBD High
Taste Lemon, Fruity, Exotic wood

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