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Grandpa's Breath
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Grandpa's Breath (DVG)

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Dungeons Vault Genetics Grandpa's Breath Foto Info

I got these 5 seats from the US army laboratories. They came in a small vial five seeds and I just had a tag on it said Grandpas gelato. The plants are 43 inches tall and the stock at the base is the size of an inch and a half pipe. Out of the five seeds I get four it to grow, and got three females and one male. The three females are growing in my grow room the mail is at a friends house where I have harvested the pollen and Im trying a cross breeding with Grandpa gelato x wedding cake number 7. Lets see what the US army laboratories have created.

Dungeons Vault Genetics Grandpa's Breath

Creative Commons

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Photo de Jaybomb en | CC BY-NC-SA