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Vanc. Island SC
Fucking Incredible
por el usuario

Fucking Incredible (Vancouver Island Seed Company) :: Recensión de la Variedad :: Indoor :: No.01714822800441826 by Justin108

Perfil de la Planta sobre la Fucking Incredible (por Vancouver Island Seed Company)

Esta Descripciòn de la variedad es una expresion individual hecha por , subido el 16.03.2024.

Cosecha , producciòn, Sabor, Aroma, potencia y efecto

Potencia / Duracion del efecto
La marihuana es muy fuerte y dura bastante.
Tolerancia al fumar
tolerancia muy rapida.

Impresion General

Fucking Incredible (Vancouver Island Seed Company)

lo tiene todo junto extremadamente buena y muy muy recomendable
(En promedio 9 puntos en la escala de el 0 al 10 !)

Más información

Justin108 dice

Fucking Incredible (two unknown indicas) by Vancouver Island Seed Co. Provided by Greens On Wheels San Diego. Photo: O'Hooligan Editing

Fucking Incredible (two unknown indicas) by Vancouver Island Seed Co. Provided by Greens On Wheels San Diego. Photo: O'Hooligan Editing

Bred by combining two of the tastiest indica cultivars in 1990, stabilized and released to the public in 2006 by VISC, FI is one of the finest "strains" of #medicalcannabis that I've had the pleasure of utilizing. No information came with this batch, but it's very fragrant, sticky and potent. Typical effects include an almost narcotic relief from pain, gi issues, depression/anxiety/PTSD, joint/muscle tension, inflammation and insomnia amongst others. It's extremely unfortunate that a cultivar so useful and cherished is so difficult to find while the market pushes inferior trends. Fucking Incredible isn't just aptly named, try it and you'll agree, it deserves much more respect.
(16.03.2024, 07:37)

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