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Dr. Blaze
Blue Dream

Blue Dream

producido de Dr. Blaze

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Información del criador

Blue Dream es una variedad mostly sativa de y se puede cultivar interiores (donde las plantas femeninas necesitarán un período de floración de ±60 días) y exteriores. Semillas de Blue Dream de Dr. Blaze es dominante en THC y solo están disponibles en versiones feminizadas.

Descripción de Dr. Blaze Blue Dream

Blue Dream is a sativa-dominant hybrid strain that is as dreamy as its name suggests. Born from two legendary parents, Blueberry and Haze, it brings forth a unique fusion of full-body relaxation and cerebral invigoration, leaving cannabis enthusiasts captivated for years.

Its first parent, Blueberry, is a well-known strain with roots that trace back to the ’70s. It boasts a classic indica genetic lineage, including strains like Afghani and Thai. Known for its high THC content and blueberry aroma, Blueberry contributes its deep physical relaxation traits and fruity profile to Blue Dream.

The other parent, Haze, is one of the most recognized sativa strains in the cannabis world. Known for its creative buzz and uplifting high, Haze brings a world of euphoria and motivation to the table, countering Blueberry’s sedating effects, and offering a perfect balance.

Terpene Profile and Aromas of the Blue Dream Strain

Blue Dream is noted for its rich terpene profile, with myrcene, pinene, and caryophyllene taking the lead. Myrcene is a terpene well-known for its earthy aroma and relaxing effects, while pinene brings forth a refreshing pine scent and promotes alertness. Caryophyllene adds a spicy note, lending complexity to the overall profile.

The dominant aroma of Blue Dream is an enticing blend of sweet berries, thanks to the Blueberry lineage. This fruity scent is accentuated by undertones of earthy and herbal notes, and as the buds are broken apart, they release a spicy, pine-like aroma, a direct contribution from Haze.

Experiencing the Blue Dream Strain

Lighting up Blue Dream is like indulging in a blueberry dessert. The smoke is sweet and fruity, reminiscent of ripe blueberries, while the exhale leaves a subtle piney aftertaste.

In terms of effects, Blue Dream kicks off with a rapid onset of invigorating cerebral high, a clear footprint of Haze. This uplift is complemented by a soothing wave of physical relaxation inherited from the Blueberry parent. The overall high is potent but balanced, making it a favorite among both novices and seasoned users.

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Blue Dream Linaje / Genealogía

Árbol Genealógico de Blue Dream

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