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Oni Seed

Oni Seed Co

Oni Seed Co @ SeedFinders Base de datos de criadores

Aquí puedes encontrar toda la infórmacion sobre el criador de cannabis Oni Seed Co. Hemos recopilado info sobre 39 Variedades de Cannabis de raza de Oni Seed Co (2 de estas cepas obtuvieron opiniones de los usuarios de SeedFinder, con una calificación promedio de 8.34 sobre 10.) Haga clic en los nombres para encontrar más información, fotos, comentarios, comparaciones y tiendas para una variedad - y / o consulte la Información del Obtentor aquí en la página para obtener más información sobre Oni Seed Co. También es posible visualizar todas las variedades de Oni Seed Co junto con todos sus padres o híbridos con nuestros mapas dinámicos. Échale un vistazo!

Mas informacion sobre este cultivador:

Oni Seed Co is a group of artisans, and craft cannabis breeders/growers/hash makers that all believe in a quality over quantity aspect. Primarily founded by its owners Harrrypalms and Oninoodles. Oni Seed Co is a seed company that believes in more than just the propagation of a so called “good” genetic line, but the breeding of multiple strong lines and then narrowing it down to only the strongest, and ones that are high in terpenes and cannabinoids. As well as giving you the growing structure needed to successfully flourish during harvest. Since the flagship strain Tropicanna Cookies (Bred and Selected by HarrryPalms (GscxTangie) the company has made its main aim clean medicine and the advancement of superior genetics throughout the cannabis world. Oni Seed Co is responsible for two awards in its new entrance to the competition world. HarrryPalms took 2nd Place best Non-Solvent at Chalice 2017 as well as 1st place for Highest terpene content in a Non-Solvent, both awards were taken with the extremely flavorful strain “Strawberry Guava, which is a cross between Crockett’s Strawberry Banana (14er Selection and our mother cut of Papaya”