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The Plant Preservation
Texas Shoreline BX1

Texas Shoreline BX1

producido de The Plant Preservation

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Información del criador

Texas Shoreline BX1 es una variedad unknown de y se puede cultivar interiores (donde las plantas femeninas necesitarán un período de floración de ±58 días), exteriores y en invernaderos. Semillas de Texas Shoreline BX1 de The Plant Preservation es dominante en THC y no están disponibles en versiones feminizadas.

Descripción de The Plant Preservation Texas Shoreline BX1

The Plant Preservation Texas Shoreline BX1 The Texas Shoreline clone used in this project was preserved by many individuals. We received the cut from Stoney (RIP). There’s speculation on who gave Stoney the cut but it is confirmed that it passed through many hands on ICMAG. Users include Stoney, Fire, inline6, and Jetlife175. Resingrower (icmag) claims to be the breeder and finder of the Texas Shoreline cut we have today. There is no way to totally confirm or deny this claim.

This cut is widely regarded to be the real deal holyfield Texas Shoreline clone as it is the closest thing to RKS most have smelled. Some say the cut is already a preservation project of Texas Shoreline x NL2 (Oasis). Other says it’s Northern Lights #5 x (Texas Shoreline x NL2 Oasis) which would make it more of an NL BX. Most feel that the original Texas Shoreline clone disappeared long ago but has been crossed to different Northern Lights in order to preserve the linage. We have no way to confirm or deny this.

For our preservation project the male that was used is a pheno-hunted (Shoreline x Puck BC2) from Crickets and Cicada. It was confirmed by Mr. Bob Hemphill that they used the same Texas Shoreline clone in their cross. The male that was picked from the 2 packs we hunted was most reminiscent of the Texas Shoreline clone.

The Texas Shoreline clone is short, squat, and easy to grow. While she will need support in flower. Her stretch is minimal and she has VERY bulbous trichome heads that cover every bud. The trichomes are on the slick side to the touch. She will leave you extra sticky and stinky after working on her. She's the kind of plant that will have you smelling all day long if you're not careful.

Testing the BX1s seeds have gone extremely well with most progeny being very reminiscent of the Texas Shoreline clone with nothing but extra bonuses from the Puck BC2. We believe this to be some of the “skunkiest” weed we’ve ever produced. Limited seeds will be available in 2024, with intentions of doing a massive release of BX2s if all goes well with testing.

No hay descripción adecuada español hasta ahora!

Texas Shoreline BX1 Linaje / Genealogía

Árbol Genealógico de Texas Shoreline BX1

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