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producido de SupraGenetics

Aquí puede encontrar toda la información sobre Supeora de SupraGenetics. Si busca información sobre Supeora de SupraGenetics, consulte la Información Principal o Linaje / Genealogía sobre esta variedad de cannabis aquí en esta página y siga los enlaces para obtener aún más información. Si tienes alguna experiencia personal con el cultivo o el consumo de esta variedad de cannabis, ¡utiliza los enlaces de carga para subirlos a la base de datos!

Información del criador

Supeora es una variedad mostly sativa de y se puede cultivar interiores (donde las plantas femeninas necesitarán un período de floración de ±80 días), exteriores y en invernaderos. Semillas de Supeora de SupraGenetics es dominante en THC y no están disponibles en versiones feminizadas.

Descripción de SupraGenetics Supeora

SupraGenetics Supeora The cross between Orange Cookie Mac #3 and Super Lemon Haze Ibl #11 is a deliberate union of two distinct strains, resulting in a unique aromatic and psychedelic experience. This combination melds the unique characteristics of each strain to create a new dimension of flavors, effects, and objectives.

From the very first inhalation of the intoxicating aromas of this strain, you will be enveloped in a captivating blend of nuances. The predominant citrus notes of Super Lemon Haze are softened by sweet and candy undertones, creating a perfect synergy between the two. As the buds are broken apart, the aromas blend and evolve into a flavor profile reminiscent of a fusion between orange and lemon. This unique combination offers a complex gustatory experience, evoking memories of sweet and tangy citrus.

The cross between Orange Cookie Mac #3 and Super Lemon Haze generates a psychedelic and stimulating effect. The effects begin with a lively and contemplative mental uplift, characteristic of Super Lemon Haze, which enhances mood and encourages creativity. This initial phase is enriched by the subtle relaxing influence of Orange Cookie Mac #3, which gradually settles throughout the body, providing a sense of balance and well-being.

This crossbreeding was specifically designed to offer a versatile experience that caters to various objectives and moments. The energizing properties of Super Lemon Haze, combined with the relaxation brought by Orange Cookie Mac #3, make it an adaptable choice. This strain is ideal for moments when you seek an uplift in mood and creative stimulation while maintaining a physical and mental balance. It can also be suitable for moments of personal reflection or light social interaction.

In summary, the cross between Orange Cookie Mac #3 and Super Lemon Haze marries sweet and tangy citrus flavors, stimulating and relaxing effects, as well as a diverse range of possible objectives. This strain embodies a complete cannabis experience, offering a palette of sensations for enthusiasts seeking a new sensory and psychedelic adventure.

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Supeora Linaje / Genealogía

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