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Landrace Team
Mulanje Gold

Mulanje Gold

producido de The Landrace Team

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Información del criador

Mulanje Gold es una variedad sativa de y se puede cultivar interiores (donde las plantas femeninas necesitarán un período de floración de ±91 días), exteriores y en invernaderos. Semillas de Mulanje Gold de Landrace Team es dominante en THC y no están disponibles en versiones feminizadas.

Descripción de Landrace Team Mulanje Gold

The Landrace Team Mulanje Gold Genetics: Landrace from Southern Malawi
Latitude: 15°S
Elevation: 1800 m.a.s.l.
Height: 1.50 – 3 metres
Aromas: ripe fruits, caramel, creamy, spicy, minty, green mandarins,pennyroyal,lime
Vegetative: from 10 to 16 weeks (outdoor)
Flowering: 12-14 weeks (outdoor)
Yield: medium
Phenos: 3
Effects: very clean, psychoactive and euphoric long-lasting
Characteristics: very resistant plants, spear shaped buds

Mulanje Gold is characterized by its aroma of pennyroyal, lime and intense creamy aromas, great growth vigour and a higher resistance to any disease, pests, extreme conditions, remarkable air currents and lack of water. It is really a great sativa, worthy of being known all over the planet so as to preserve the uniqueness of these genes.

These plants reach heights of 150 to 250 centimetres in optimal conditions. It grows with great vigour since it’s small, it exploits its vegetative growth at high speed since it is one month old, after this moment its daily growth can be up to 3 cm or more. It grows very quickly spreading out in a very symmetrical structure from Its low branches to its apical bud and , in general, forms a conical structure in general. Mulanje Gold is a sativa with large, thick and long petioles, medium-large leaves of 3, 5, 7, and 9 light green leaflets and leaves of a minimum thickness. They are very serrated and have thin leaves.

The vegetative stage takes between a minimum of 10 to 16 weeks: The stems of these plants are strong and of a medium thickness, very resistant. The Flowering of this beautiful Mulanje Gold is abundant, aerated and of a very special and fragrant medium resin . The apical bud grows very beautiful, thus forming a large tower of 40 and 50 centimetres, loose but abundant, thus forming a quality bud.

With a selection work, very interesting plants could be obtained because its buds do not have as much foliage and the petioles between the flower clusters are long, facilitating a manicure to enjoy these fragrant buds although the resin is not so abundant, the resin glands are large, scattered among themselves of medium size.

Also, we love this so marked aromas of pennyroyal plants and cream, its mint aromas are notable along with some very subtle green mandarins, something characteristic in most of the phenotypes that we have been able to observe is the structure of their stigmas and its unmistakable orange color among the Sativas of these regions and their surroundings.

It takes from 12 to 14 weeks to flower, its effect when smoking is very clean, psychoactive and euphoric long-lasting. If you are not a smoker of potent Sativas, this line is to be tasted with caution in occasional users as they could feel panic and heart racing, which would become an unwanted effect. Better to consume it in a moderate way, puff by puff, increasing to the extent of your tolerance.

We like powerful sativas like this Mulanje Gold, to enjoy a full day of work in motion without causing heaviness or drowsiness in and your body. It stimulates your appetite and if you are on the move even more. Long-lasting flavour on the palate with lemony touches. Mulanje Gold a new entry to compete within the list of our most potent sativa lines.


The coloration of the flowers and hairs is quite stunning, and they are becoming increasingly dense and crystal coated. The plant structure is sativa leaning, but the branches are more stiff and rigid compared to many of the lacey wispy African sativa varieties. The smell is very unique. There is a sweet creamy caramel quality mixed with a bright scent of fresh tangerines. The loud citrus combined with the mellow caramel creates a full bodied and tantalizing sensation. Many of these landraces are perfection, the pinnacle of cannabis expression.

No hay descripción adecuada español hasta ahora!

Mulanje Gold Linaje / Genealogía

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