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Jack Straw

Jack Straw

producido de SubCool’s The Dank

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Información del criador

Jack Straw es una variedad mostly sativa de y se puede cultivar interiores (donde las plantas femeninas necesitarán un período de floración de ±67 días) y exteriores. Semillas de Jack Straw de SubCool es dominante en THC y no están disponibles en versiones feminizadas.

Descripción de SubCool Jack Straw

SubCool’s The Dank Jack Straw A strong and interesting Sativa that yields well and works best in small doses is always a good combination. JACK STRAW's Sativa nature comes through by moving energy levels further and faster in the direction they seemed to be heading already when the dose is taken. Once a patient is awake, a little bit every once in a while throughout the day can help keep pain in check and a day productive, but anyone who decides to have some JACK STRAW when they are exhausted already (or otherwise need to be asleep soon to stay healthy) probably isn't heading anywhere but to bed. Sometimes your body just needs to be told to do what it needs to do, and JACK STRAW could be the the strain to do just that.

Phenotypes: There are four main phenotypes, including a JACK THE RIPPER dominant variant that is tall & stretchy, a TOUCH OF GREY dominant variant that is short & stocky. Two slightly differing aromas are also possible, one that resembles lemon haze and another more like straight sweet haze.

High Type: Provides good pain relief along with relaxed energy at a moderate dose. The effect seems to intensify the state you're in when you use it, so that if you're tired when you smoke it, it will make you more tired, but if you are awake and active, it will wake you up even more and can even be a bit jittery at too high a dose.

Taste/Aroma: Sweet earthy to sweet lemon earth

May be helpful for: Anxiety, ADHD, depression, pain relief, nausea and difficulties related to chemo and radiation therapies.

Height: Medium tall
Yield: Medium to Heavy
Best way to grow: Top out into a 30 inch round bush
Harvest: 63-70 days
Sat/Ind: 80/20
Hybrid: Touch of Grey X Jack The Ripper

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Jack Straw Linaje / Genealogía

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Jack Straw
Jack Straw

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