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Landrace Team


producido de The Landrace Team

Aquí puede encontrar toda la información sobre Iran de The Landrace Team. Si busca información sobre Iran de The Landrace Team, consulte la Información Principal, Galería o Linaje / Genealogía sobre esta variedad de cannabis aquí en esta página y siga los enlaces para obtener aún más información - o enumere todas las Variedades de Iran (15) para encontrar una versión diferente. Si tienes alguna experiencia personal con el cultivo o el consumo de esta variedad de cannabis, ¡utiliza los enlaces de carga para subirlos a la base de datos!

Información del criador

Iran es una variedad indica/sativa de y se puede cultivar interiores (donde las plantas femeninas necesitarán un período de floración de ±60 días), exteriores y en invernaderos. Semillas de Iran de Landrace Team es una Variedad CBD con mas THC que CBD y no están disponibles en versiones feminizadas.

Descripción de Landrace Team Iran

The Landrace Team Iran Genetics: Iranian landrace
Region: Various regions of Iran
Strain: Iranian genetics
Sourcing: Personally collected at source around Iran
Latitude: from 36N to 29N
Harvest: As early as late August and as late as early December
Height: 1.5 – 2 metres outdoor depending on plant
Seeds: Regular
Vegetative stage: 2-3 months
Flowering: 2-4 months depending on plant
Aroma: from dank to candies, from garlic to lemons, from honey to foul socks
Grow Type: Outdoors,Greenhouse, indoors
Characteristics: Stout,stocky,hardy,squatty,bushy plants but also christmas-tree like.

Many expressions can be found. From christmas trees to more squatty, round and bushy plants. Same goes for the leaf shape. Deep dark green leaves very fat, thick,broad and wide but also more slender types with narrow leaves and lighter hues of green. From 100% indica structures with short flowering times to sativas requiring up to three, four months to finish and all kinds of mixtures of both and anything in between. Plants with a single main stem with one main cola and few side branches have been seen as well as thick round bushes.

Plants with indica growth patterns but with sativa flowering times cannot be ruled out. It is possible to find plants with purple and dark brown (almost black) leaves. These plants have higher contents of CBD as well as THC. Very good plant for extractions with copious quantities of resin.

Smells vary from plant to plant. It is possible to find lemon, citrusy, berries, fuel, candies, honey and others hard to describe. Flowers are pretty compact but not all. Some also more airy.

There is so much variation in all the seeds and plants that the likelihood of them being wild or coming from wild plants is high. Some come from areas that have a very long history in growing for hashish production and are in remote areas far away from cities and pollution.

Very potent and instant buzz. In some cases with instant laughters with uplifting sensations and a constant feeling of cheerfulness. A tingling in the chest area has been noted. The locals have the habit of smoking without adding tobacco. It kicks in immediately and you feel it right into your chest and it’s hard to hold back the cough even if you’re an habitual smoker. There is a pleasant warmth behind the eyes and a buzz in your head as well with a feeling of tranquil contentment. There is a strong impression and possibility that some of these plants have not been farmed by humans for many many years due to the fact that they are very unpredictable while growing. Every plant is different from others, both in shape and height. This is what has been noticed on several occasions.

Iranian cannabis is closer to drug cannabis than hemp.
Iranian cannabis is genetically unique.
Hemp cultivars were probably derived from marijuana cultivars.
Iranian strains are probably accessions that represent remnants of cultivated varieties from other regions. (Probably Afghanistan, Pakistan. That’s not to say they are Affie or Paki strains. They’d have reached Iran so long ago they are unique, and there is the possibility that the ancestral populations in the region they came from have disappeared).
Iranian cannabis diversity is threatened by prohibition.
Iranian cannabis varies on an East/West gradient.
Looks like preserving Iranian genepool is very important. Especially from a drug/medical perspective.

No hay descripción adecuada español hasta ahora!

Galería de Iran

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Iran Linaje / Genealogía

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Valores Medicinales

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