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Landrace Team


producido de The Landrace Team

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Información del criador

Corinto es una variedad sativa de y se puede cultivar interiores (donde las plantas femeninas necesitarán un período de floración de ±98 días), exteriores y en invernaderos. Semillas de Corinto de Landrace Team es dominante en THC y no están disponibles en versiones feminizadas.

Descripción de Landrace Team Corinto

The Landrace Team Corinto Genetics: Corinto Cauca Valley (Cauca department, S.W. Colombia)
Latitude: 3° N
Elevation: 1000 m.a.s.l.
Veg: 13-15 weeks
Flowering: 12-16 weeks
Aromas: lemon peel,cumin,fruits,paprika,tangerine,liliac,river/creek type of smell.
Effects: devastating, long lasting, psychoactive
Yield: high
Phenotypes: 8
Characteristics: vigorous,pest and disease resistant. Dark purple phenos
Grow type: outdoor, greenhouse, indoors

Pure Colombian variety preserved since the 70’s It comes from the Cauca valley in the south of Colombia, from the lines that were grown in Corinto in a sector (Vereda) called “La Cominera” and “Caloto” in the Cauca valley . We say that “they were grown” because to find a Corinto in these places in Colombia is already impossible due to the invasion of early Dutch and American polyhybrids that can generate for a farmer in the area from 3 to 4 crops in a year, which represents a faster income, not like the Corinto sativa and her sisters like Punto Rojo that can take a total of up to 9 months to finish.

This line was locally called “Coro”. Some collectors call it also “Limon Verde”, “Cominera”, Corinto Purple” or “Corinto Monster”.

Its vegetative growth goes from 13 to 15 weeks, its flowering is from 12 to 16 weeks. It presents several phenotypes, some tall and others shorter, conical in shape and with a very imposing central flower The leaves are light green with 7 and 9 thin leaflets, some take on dark purple colours in the last stage of flowering in their leaves and flowers. It has great vigour and reaches great heights at an accelerated speed, reaching 150 cm (the smallest ones) up to 3 meters for the tallest ones.

After initiating its vegetative stage, it grows homogeneously, creating conical structures. The buds are even, dense, some are small with large and pointed calyxes, others are more abundant and with reddish stigmas, some have the aroma of lemon peels, paprika, cumin, fruits and tangerine. We have found up to 8 phenotypes. These plants have great potential in THC and a great capacity to reproduce trichomes.

The potency of these plants is, simply put, devastating. Corinto delivers a powerful psychoactive and euphoric high with a long lasting effect of up to 4 hours. It stimulates your appetite.

These sativas from Corinto are resistant to pests and diseases and extreme conditions, we have cultivated them from 500 to 2100 metres above sea level, their production is high for some phenotypes.


The smoke from what I have sampled is closest to the old Colombian of anything I’ve had too. I actually love that it is extremely long getting to flower, and long flowering. It tells me it is a true equilateral sativa, which is what most people wanting the legit thing want. The smells are almost like a lilac smell, with a sort of “river”/”creek” type thing in there too. I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s really nice smelling, very unique! They are very different from most all other cannabis I’ve encountered. Colombian is possibly the best weed on the planet and you are probably the only place to offer real Colombian lines and that’s pretty cool! I also have some Punto Rojo from you guys! Thanks again for getting these out!

No hay descripción adecuada español hasta ahora!

Corinto Linaje / Genealogía

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