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GB Strains
Auto Pluto

Auto Pluto

producido de GB Strains

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Información del criador

Auto Pluto es una variedad de floración automática ruderalis/indica de y se puede cultivar interiores y exteriores, donde las plantas femeninas, autoflorecientes necesitan ±65 días desde la siembra hasta la cosecha. Semillas de Auto Pluto de GB Strains es dominante en THC y solo están disponibles en versiones feminizadas.

Descripción de GB Strains Auto Pluto

GB Strains Auto Pluto Auto Pluto is a strain that has unknown origins, although due to the way it’s grown, the way it looks and its aroma and flavor, we can confirm that it’s a Kush strain. In order to breed this strain, a Pluto was crossed with an autoflowering plant. This particular version is autoflowering, taking just 60 total days to mature from the day it’s planted; it doesn’t need any sort of special care. This strain is average in height, making it perfect for indoor growers and one of the easiest strains to make the most of for those that prefer to grow outdoors. It contains medium THC levels, almost as much as its older sister, and its known for its citric, earthy and Skunk flavors.

Professional Auto Pluto Grow
Growing Auto Pluto Seeds Indoors
Indoors this plant is compact and robust, producing large, green leaves. You’ll want to keep a close eye on the relative humidity in your grow room or grow tent, as the foliage and dense flowers are a breeding ground for fungi. This plant takes around 60-70 days to mature after germination. Keep in mind that autoflowering strains don’t need much water at the start or else they may end up growing too small, and this Kush strain prefers small doses of nutrients, especially once it begins flowering. It can produce quite the pungent aroma, so you may want to get an odor filter for your grow room. You can harvest up to 350g/m2 although experts can harvest up to 450g.

Growing Auto Pluto Seeds Outdoors
Outdoors is where this strain does best, especially if you live in a dry, non-humid climate, although thanks to its fast life cycle you can grow it pretty much anywhere it can get enough sun. It takes just as long outdoors as indoors, allowing you to do four rounds a year of this strain if your weather allows for it. We recommend taking preventive measures against fungi due to the enormous size of its buds. After about 70 days you should be able to harvest resinous, aromatic and potent buds that produce highly characteristic Kush flavors. One of these plants is capable of producing up to 150g under perfect conditions in the hands of an expert. Less experienced growers can harvest between 50 and 100g per plant.

Auto Pluto Flavor and Effect
Auto Pluto is a strain known for how well it reduces stress and anxiety, as well as being capable of alleviating pain and helping with insomnia. In as far as flavor and aroma, it’s almost identical to its predecessor, producing citric and earthy hints, although its effect is a bit more intense and heavy than its original euphoric high. It’s great for consuming after a long, stressful day thanks to its physically relaxing effect and slight mental stimulation.

Sativa/Indica: 15/85%
Flowering: 60-70 days indoors and outdoors.
Height: 0.7-1.5m indoors and outdoors.
Yield: 350g/m2 indoors, up to 150g/plant outdoors.

Auto Pluto Linaje / Genealogía

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