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USA - Hybrid
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USA - Hybrid (Original Strains)

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Original Strains USA - Hybrid Foto Info

I created this cross strain. It is a Bruce Banner #3 with Auto Widow. My reasoning for it was I wanted a heavy indica and heavy sativa to make a perfect meet in the middle high that doesnchr(039)t lock you to the couch and still maintain during the day. In another 10 days It will be done and I get to try my creation. I will update when she finishes to let everyone know the details of my strain.

Original Strains USA - Hybrid

Creative Commons

Esta foto está autorizada con una licencia Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. Se le permite copiar y editar este trabajo para sus propios fines no comerciales si otorga los crédito de manera adecuada. Aquí un ejemplo de atribución para esta foto:

Photo de TheAngeryGrower en | CC BY-NC-SA