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G13 Labs
NL Automatic

NL Automatic

producido de G13 Labs

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Información del criador

NL Automatic es una variedad de floración automática ruderalis/indica de y se puede cultivar exteriores, donde las plantas femeninas, autoflorecientes necesitan ±60 días desde la siembra hasta la cosecha. Semillas de NL Automatic de G13 Labs es dominante en THC y solo están disponibles en versiones feminizadas.

Descripción de G13 Labs NL Automatic

G13 Labs NL Automatic NL Autoflowering is a result of selective indica breeding carried out by G13 Labs experts. The seeds were specially developed for growers who prefer short bushy plants in their marijuana gardens. Northern Lights have been favourite amongst marijuana fans for years for their easy growing characteristics and great narcotic values. We would definitely recommend these cannabis seeds for new growers as it is very forgiving during the vegetative stage and tolerates high temperatures.

Nearly all promising modern indoor cannabis strains contain NL genes. High flower to leaf ratio, compact buds, good yields and exceptional resin production are all characteristics displayed by this wonderful strain. Plants of this variety are very compact and respond well to any growing methods, they perform well in pot, soil and/or hydroponics setups. Their miniature size makes them ideal for places with limited spaces.

Breeding specialists from that industry made this highly suitable for outdoor growing; It is a fantastic strain for gardens where smell is an unfavorable factor. Purely indica, Northern Lights delivers the finest qualities expected from that variety and remains the strongest marijuana variety in the world, with a nice sweet taste.

After a typical indica flowering of 8-9 weeks, and large flowers turning into chunky nuggets can be expected after a short maturing period. Harvesting when grown outdoors is September-October.

G 13 Labs Auto NL is said to be a great yielder - 350-450 gr. per m2 when grown indoors and 600 gr per m2 when grown outside. Some cannabis growers top the plants to bush them up and get more cuts for cloning. A free tip - take cuts 20 minutes after fresh watering, you will be nicely surprised with the result.

Northern Lights is a perfect choice for those who desire a heavy, lethargic stoned effect. The smoke is full bodied yet somewhat neutral in flavour. The taste is pungent with a sweet after taste. As a typical indica the effect is strong, producing a high level of relaxation for the body and the mind.

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NL Automatic Linaje / Genealogía

Árbol Genealógico de NL Automatic

Ver todos los padres de NL Automatic en nuestro mapa dinámico

Comentarios sobre NL Automatic

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