Base de datos
HG Fantaseeds
Jah Herer
por el usuario

Jah Herer (Homegrown Fantaseeds) :: Recensión de la Variedad :: Indoor :: No.83760939080360516 by vorstandthekla

Perfil de la Planta sobre la Jah Herer (por Homegrown Fantaseeds)

Esta Descripciòn de la variedad es una expresion individual hecha por , subido el 23.07.2012.

Informaciòn acerca del crecimiento de las plantas:

Tiempo de Floracion en interior
entre 50 un 70 dias (promedio: 60 dias.)
Se estira despues del inicio de la floracion
Inicio de la floración en torno de 40 cm. - Altura Final en torno de 150 cm.
Comportamiento durante el crecimiento
se estira
Las ramas laterales
un nÚmero promedio; largo así bien promedio a fuerte.

Cosecha , producciòn, Sabor, Aroma, potencia y efecto

Produccion / Cantidad
La cosecha de esta variedad es grandioso , gracias dios!.
Brotes / Hojas
La proporción de los brotes a las hojas es arriba del promedio.
Estructura del cogollo
El secado del cogollo es extremadamente duros y compactos parecen de acero!.
Potencia / Duracion del efecto
La marihuana es muy fuerte y dura bastante.
Tolerancia al fumar
tolerancia ordinaria.

Impresion General

Jah Herer (Homegrown Fantaseeds)

lo tiene todo junto insana variedad - absolutamente recomendable
(En promedio 10 puntos en la escala de el 0 al 10 !)

Más información

vorstandthekla dice

The name for this seed was changed after i have ordered. I have no idea why they changed the name from Jack Herer to Jah Herer...

The breeder says up to 70 flowering days, but she will be ready within 60 days or less. I have taken testbuds on the 50th the 60th and 70th flowering day. The 5oth day bud produced a very strong uphigh with heartbreathing, the taste was something like fruity with coca-cola, the plant was 150cm in hight, wearing heavy main and side buds. The 60th day bud was even stronger and tasted better and was little bigger in size than the 50th day bud. The 70th day bud was not bigger nor was it stronger, but the taste has increased significantly.

In my opinion, you can slay the plant somewhere between the 50th and the 60th flowering day, depending on your preference for a heartbreathing uphigh (50 days) or a long lasting trippy uphigh (60 days).

I used feminized seeds and there were no hermaphrodites. The plant grows fast and tall. The high quality of this genetic forced me to buy more seeds from HGF.

Thanks to Homegrown Fantaseeds for this great genetic, it is truly one of the best i have ever had.
(23.07.2012, 13:46)

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