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Soellner Bio
Femme Violette

Femme Violette

producido de Soellner Bio Hanf Deluxe

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Información del criador

Femme Violette es una variedad indica de y se puede cultivar interiores y exteriores. Semillas de Femme Violette de Soellner Bio es dominante en THC y solo están disponibles en versiones feminizadas.

Descripción de Soellner Bio Femme Violette

Soellner Bio Hanf Deluxe Femme Violette Of course, besides a Sativa, a highly potent Indica cannot be missing in SoellnerBio's assortment. Femme Violette is a pure, pure Indica that smells like ripe wine and sweet cherries, her purple colors and her stunning smell absolutely speak for the quality of this excellent cannabis strain.

This great looking purple Indica can be grown indoors and outdoors at its best, within no time any grower, experienced or not, will get excellent results that will really blow your mind and bring you to your knees. Femme Violette is also an excellent medicinal cannabis strain for pain relief, insomnia, migraines and it also helps to reduce nausea.

Femme Violette originated in Granada (Andalusia), the producer of these seeds became aware of these genetics because of the gorgeous colors and the insane smell. After the first very successful trials in the field in southern Spain, seeds were sent to the Alps for testing. And lo and behold, in Tyrol and in Bavaria, Femme Violette was immediately voted the absolute favorite Indica by the test growers! She is perfect for a sea-of-green, needs hardly any fertilizer to get really big, and impresses with the gorgeous appearance. Femme Violette is one of the most beautiful Indicas on the market, on cool nights the plants can turn really dark, almost into black. SoellnerBio offers here probably one of the fiercest and tastiest Indicas on the market, of course 100% organic...

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Femme Violette Linaje / Genealogía

Árbol Genealógico de Femme Violette

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Valores Medicinales

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