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Sensation Seeds
Amnesia Haze Auto

Amnesia Haze Auto

producido de Sensation Seeds

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Información del criador

Amnesia Haze Auto es una variedad de floración automática ruderalis/indica/sativa de y se puede cultivar interiores y exteriores, donde las plantas femeninas, autoflorecientes necesitan ±77 días desde la siembra hasta la cosecha. Semillas de Amnesia Haze Auto de Sensation Seeds es dominante en THC y solo están disponibles en versiones feminizadas.

Descripción de Sensation Seeds Amnesia Haze Auto

Sensation Seeds Amnesia Haze Auto Amnesia Haze seeds are among the most popular medical cannabis strains around, many thanks to their strong effects and versatility. As a matter of fact, Amnesia Haze is seen as the most general type of Haze among Dutch coffee shops and was awarded third place during the 2009 Highlife Cup.

Amnesia Haze seeds were initially developed from Southeast Asian sources, though they were also combined with different types of Haze. This amalgamation is what gives this strain its robust flavor and calming properties.

Amnesia Haze Auto by Sensation Seeds is a cannabis seed that comes from the cross between an Amnesia and a Ruderalis. The outcome is a fast-flowering, high-yielding, easy-to-grow, Sativa-dominant autoflowering mixture that grows powerful, healthy, and vigorous.

The major shortcoming of Sativa strains like Amnesia is that it could take a while to flower, 12 weeks on an average, but some phenotypes also take up 20 weeks. This is just too much time for a lot of growers. She can also grow tall to a certain extent; this can be another matter for some growers with restricted space.

This Amnesia Haze Automatically wishes to resolve these difficulties. Amnesia Haze Auto is the instinctive form of Amnesia Haze. It offers the same overjoyed high and spicy sweet taste like the unique Amnesia but with a severely reduced growth time and a smaller height. Meaning that she can be grown by many growers who otherwise would not be capable of growing her.

It’s a marijuana plant that can acquire quality crops in small indoor spaces and goes unnoticed outdoors. Furthermore, reliant on where you live, it can be gathered several times a year. It is logical to add 30% of coco to the substrate to improve oxygenation and to boost the overall growth of the plant. She likes to be fed very well, but be careful not to feed her too much, because like Hazes she can be subtle to nutrients.

Amnesia Haze Auto has a strong flavor and aroma, with notes of citrus fruits, spices, and pine wood. The effect is cerebral, powerful, uplifting and of ecstasy. It’s the faultless cannabis strain to have fun with your friends. All in all, she has the standard Amnesia aroma, flavor and effect so if you love Haze, you’re going to love this!

Sativa 50%
Indica 20%
Ruderalis 30%
Height indoor 50 - 100 cm
Height Outdoor 70 - 160 cm
Effect Long lasting, powerful, uplifting high
Flowering Time 8 - 10 weeks
Gen Amnesia x Ruderalis
Type Autoflowering
Yield indoor 400 - 495 gr m2
Yield outdoor 135 - 185 gr
Harvest 10 ~ 12 wks after germination
THC High
CBD Medium
Taste Musky, Pine and Sweet spicy

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