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Spliff Seeds

AK (Spliff Seeds) :: Recensión de la Variedad :: Indoor

Perfil de la Planta sobre la AK (por Spliff Seeds)

Esta Descripciòn de la variedad es una expresion individual hecha por , subido el 16.09.2016.

Informaciòn acerca del crecimiento de las plantas:

Tiempo de Floracion en interior
entre 55 un 65 dias (promedio: 60 dias.)
Se estira despues del inicio de la floracion
Inicio de la floración en torno de 35 cm. - Altura Final en torno de 80 cm.
Comportamiento durante el crecimiento
Las ramas laterales
promedio de muchos; ya andan por el promedio así bien ordinariamente fuerte y vigorosa.
Las plantas de esta variedad de cannabis...
...pueden colocarse muy juntas.
...necesitan muchos cuidados.
...son tolerantes a la sobre-o la sub-fertilización. necesita mucho ferilizante.
...son suceptibles a las fluctuaciones de temperatura.
...estan bien adaptadas para un mar verde SoG (See of Green).
...sólo debe ser criado por los expertos.
...responden bien a la poda del tallo principal.
...pueden aparecer pre-flores durante el periodo de crecimiento vegetativo.

Cosecha , producciòn, Sabor, Aroma, potencia y efecto

Produccion / Cantidad
La cosecha de esta variedad es ligeramente arriba del promedio.
Brotes / Hojas
La proporción de los brotes a las hojas es muy bueno.
Estructura del cogollo
El secado del cogollo es duros y compactos.
Potencia / Duracion del efecto
La marihuana es muy fuerte y dura bastante.

Aroma / Fragancia

El aroma / cuando hueles esta variedad te recuerda a / es

Efecto / Impacto

El efecto de la Marihuana

Impresion General

AK (Spliff Seeds)

lo tiene todo junto extraordinaria y ampliamente recomendable
(En promedio 8 puntos en la escala de el 0 al 10 !)

Más información

Hempsmoke dice

Well, i have grown a few Spliff Seeds strains already, but the AK is one of,if not the best strain from them.

I had 5 regular seeds,1 was a male ,1 was lost due a bad mildew infestation (along with pure kush from GHS, happily the power plants, also from spliff seeds lol, were very resistant against powdery mildew),

and i gave 2 seeds away.

If i only knew how good the 1 seed left is gonna be, i wouldnt give them away, let me tell you that :D

The plant i got grows rather compact in veg, but likes to stretch a bit in the first 2 weeks of bloom.

I always cut the main branch so it will produce 3-4 main buds.

The buds are very frosty and compact but the lowest buds are always fluffy, so its good to remove the lowest branches to allow the upper buds to get bigger.

Also the leafs can become quite big so its good to remove some of the fan leafs for more light penetration to the lower branches.

The plants are done between 8-9 weeks, and you should harvest it in that time window, because the potency is the highest at that point.

The yield on my pheno is rather low, but the quality makes up for this.

It has a very heavy head high (no paranoia or raciness tho), which can be too strong for unexperienced users,but if you let her go too long the high becomes weaker and it adds some body stone.

The smell is spicy with some sweetness to it, not too overpowering, but when you smoke an AK bud, her spicy smell fills the whole room and stays there for some time hehe

For me this 1 plant is a keeper, and one of the most potent plants i have grown so far.

I already keep her in my garden since more than a year and every single grow she gets a spot in the growtent :)

Actually it made me interested in gettin another pack of AK from spliff seeds, or testing the original AK47 from serious seeds (but the price....)

cya and stay safe ;)
(16.09.2016, 00:36)