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Sweet Seeds
Jack 47
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Jack 47 (Sweet Seeds) :: Recensión de la Variedad :: Indoor :: No.51877073991170869 by Jubei

Perfil de la Planta sobre la Jack 47 (por Sweet Seeds)

Esta Descripciòn de la variedad es una expresion individual hecha por , subido el 26.10.2017.

Informaciòn acerca del crecimiento de las plantas:

Tiempo de Floracion en interior
entre 64 un 70 dias (promedio: 67 dias.)
Se estira despues del inicio de la floracion
Inicio de la floración en torno de 65 cm. - Altura Final en torno de 100 cm.
Comportamiento durante el crecimiento
como arbol de navidad
Las ramas laterales
extremadamente muchas; muy largo así bien fuerte y poderoso.
Las plantas de esta variedad de cannabis...
...necesitan espacio y no deben colocarce juntas.
...necesitan muchos cuidados. son tolerantes a la sobre-o la sub-fertilización. necesita mucho ferilizante. son vulnerables a enfermedades fÚngicas. son suceptibles a los hongos. ve y crece mas como una sativa.
...estan bien preparadas para una pantalla verde ScroG (Screen of Green).
...sólo debe ser criado por los expertos. una buena eleccion para cultivadores comerciales.
...que se adapta bien a Supercropping.
...ramifica mucho , crecen cogollos grandes en sus ramas laterales.
...necesita apoyarse en tutores durante el periodo de floracion. (redes, tutores, palos de Bambu).
...responden bien a la poda del tallo principal.
...pueden aparecer pre-flores durante el periodo de crecimiento vegetativo.

Cosecha , producciòn, Sabor, Aroma, potencia y efecto

Produccion / Cantidad
La cosecha de esta variedad es grandioso , gracias dios!.
Brotes / Hojas
La proporción de los brotes a las hojas es arriba del promedio.
Estructura del cogollo
El secado del cogollo es muy duros y compactos.
Potencia / Duracion del efecto
La marihuana insanamente fuerte y dura mucho el efecto.
Tolerancia al fumar
tolerancia lente.

Impresion General

Jack 47 (Sweet Seeds)

lo tiene todo junto extraordinaria y ampliamente recomendable
(En promedio 8 puntos en la escala de el 0 al 10 !)

Más información

Jubei dice

Definitely one of the best strains I've grown so far! The pheno I got my hands on is a selected cutting of a fellow grower. Of the three seeds he popped all plants had similar charakteristics, I was told. His keeper (the pheno I got) just had a slightly higher yield and a more intense aroma than the other two.

The vigour of this plant is extaordinary! When grown in soil she doesn't need any additional nutes or much attention during the veg-phase. The internodal spacing allows for perfect light penetration without being lanky. She develops lots of side branches that grow just long enough to get the right amount of light. From week five of flowering onward, support is heavily recommended! - perfect structure, so to say :)

Once she developed some flowers, she becomes a little diva'rish tough, reacting extremely sensitive to any nutrient abbundance. Overfeeding her will result in lock-out-deficiencies from one day to another, so be careful!

If you treat her right, however, she will repay you with an abundance of fat, rock-hard and sugar-coated buds that are really something to brag about!

Although not really a stinker, she has an absolutely amazing aroma upon touching / handling. Up until week four of flowering it's pure Tutti-Frutti with a slight chemical hint of nail polish remover. Later on, her bouquet is complemented with hints of vanilla, pepper and liquorice and a nice sour punch. Her fruity / flowery sourness perfectly translate into the taste, making her one of the best tasting plants I've ever encountered. The dried buds are dark green and - just as the plant itself - don't smell much at all, unless you break them up, which will result in an explosion of the aromas discribed above...

Just as her smell and taste, the high is something special: super strong, yet super pleasant! It starts off extremely energetic and uplifting without any signs of paranoia or racyness. It simply renders the world around you a nicer and funnier place :) About 30 minutes in, this pure head-high changes into a very relaxed all-around state of well being, without getting you sleepy or couch locked - if necessary you can be fully functional and get back to being super high once the respective necessity has been dealt with :)

If you haven't grown her yet: Do it! You won't regret it!
(26.10.2017, 14:06)

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