Base de datos
Humboldt Seed Org.
Blue Dream
Al aire libre

Blue Dream (Humboldt Seed Organisation) :: Recensión de la Variedad :: Outdoor

Perfil de la Planta sobre la Blue Dream (por Humboldt Seed Organisation)

Este descripciòn de la variedad fue generado por 3 una sola descripciòn, agradecimiento especial va para: Asher, Bluefox y Mastercard

Informaciòn acerca del crecimiento de las plantas:

tiempo de la cosecha en exterior o al aire libre o guerrilla
A mitad de Septiembre +/- 1 Semana en climas CmHmβ en el hemisferio norte.
A mitad de Septiembre +/- 1 Semana en climas CmHmβ en el hemisferio norte.
Final de Octubre +/- 2 Semanas en climas CmShα en el hemisferio norte.
Zonas climáticas segÚn la clasificación de SeedFinder con datos de 1986 a 2009.
Comportamiento durante el crecimiento
como arbol de navidad
Las ramas laterales
un gran número; promedio a largo así bien fuerte y poderoso.
Las plantas de esta variedad de cannabis...
...son suceptibles a las fluctuaciones de temperatura. tienen problemas por las temperaturas bajas. tienen problema por las altas temperaturas. ve y crece mas como una sativa.
...necesitan mucho espacio hacia arriba.
...necesita apoyarse en tutores durante el periodo de floracion. (redes, tutores, palos de Bambu). son vulnerables a enfermedades fÚngicas.
...ramifica mucho , crecen cogollos grandes en sus ramas laterales.

Cosecha , producciòn, Sabor, Aroma, potencia y efecto

Produccion / Cantidad
La cosecha de esta variedad es alto.
Brotes / Hojas
La proporción de los brotes a las hojas es ligeramente arriba del promedio.
Estructura del cogollo
El secado del cogollo es ordinariamente compactos.
Potencia / Duracion del efecto
La marihuana es fuerte y si dura.
Tolerancia al fumar
tolerancia lente.

Impresion General

Blue Dream (Humboldt Seed Organisation)

lo tiene todo junto extremadamente buena y muy muy recomendable
(En promedio 9 puntos en la escala de el 0 al 10 !)

Más información

Asher dice

This strain is insane. Let me start out by saying I have been growing outdoors for more than ten years, and never have I seen such vigorous growth from any plant when started indoors, nor such large buds on any other outdoor plant I have seen, either mine or my friend’s. And I ordered seeds that were supposed to be “big bud” on a few occasions.

I ordered just two seeds, both were a different phenotype. The first, the one I kept as a clone, had the thickest, biggest second nodal leaves I have ever seen. They were as big as my hand almost! The stem got thick really early on. I kept it under the lamps for two months and topped it constantly, then placed it outdoor on 11. of May. For the first month, the growth was nice, I was extremely happy with the progress. I had placed it in 140L of fresh soil, added charcoal from a burned fireplace (all plants love that Carbon!) and used nutrients with slow release. And then the plant took off. Quite literally. It grew into a monster whose thirst was almost impossible to quench in the hot parts of the summer. Waterings were necessary at least every third day, and I had to use 6 – 10 liters of water, although it could have easily gone for way more. While the Moby Dick growing next to it could go for up to 5 days or more and didn’t show signs of “omg feed me or I will wither and die.” As you can imagine, this can be a problem if you’re growing guerilla.

It loves Nitrogen. I used 25-5-5 and it ate it all without a single sign of nutrient deficiency or burn. Since it was very hot, however, it began taking water from the lower leaves and shedding some in the process during the last part of July and beginning of August. This was in no way problematic and in fact better, since the plant grew to about 2m in height and about the same in circumference and had a fuckton of foliage.

This “keeper” I assume was a 50/50 mix between haze/blueberry since at no point was I able to decide if it was more indica or sativa, not even in flowering.

The other, more sativa pheno, is characterized, it seems, by having an intense smell when you rub the leaves, some kind of minty/lemon, while the 50/50 mix did not have much of a smell when the leaves were rubbed between the fingers. You really cannot miss the sativa pheno, simply because of the smelly leaves. They smell very good, too.

When flowering began, the 50/50 mix showed more signs of thickness than the sativa, although the sativa FILELD UP. Both gave extremely good yields, although the 50/50 seemed to have those really FAT buds that can topple a plant and make it hug the ground more easily. Although the motherplant of the sativa pheno did that as well, which makes me think you really can’t go wrong with either of the phenotypes.

At one point the wind broke one of the branches, so it is advisable to invest in a net or something that may support the hugeness of the plant during heavy winds.

The smell of the buds is very sour and slightly fruity, and the thrichome coverage is just amazing. The high is just as advertised. Intense, euphoric, and if done excessively, ass-kicking and will put you down to ponder the mysteries of life and all things therein. (13.10.2015, 12:38)

Bluefox dice

auf Waldlichtung...große,kräftige Pflanze mit starken kandelaberartigen Ästen...langezogene Blüten die nicht sehr fest waren und nicht sehr dick (voluminös).....

starker Harzbesatz und toller Geruch und Aroma...wirkt aufhellend,erheiternd und UNHEIMLICH APPETITANREGEND!

Ertrag nicht besonders...Qualität und Geschmack/Aroma SEHR GUT (08.07.2018, 19:00)

Mastercard dice

Diesmal war es der Phäno auf den die Beschreibung passt.

Sehr symetrischer ,gedrungener Wuchs(indica) mit starker Belaubung die schmalfingrig ist(sativa).

Große,voluminöse Blüten mit starkem Harzbesatz aber geringer Dichte und somit vom Erntegewicht etwas unterdurchschnittlich.

Das Aroma changiert von Obstsalat bis tief,beerig, fast sirupartig mit Anklängen von Blaubeeren und Brombeeren bis hin zu Rosinen und Pflaumen.

Der Geschmack spiegelt den Geruch, ist aber nicht schwer sondern leicht-eher"hellblau" um mal im Bild zu bleiben.

Sehr angenehmes Up-High und bei mir stark appetitanregend.

verschiedene Phänotypen die man selektieren muss um die "wahre" Blue Dream zu finden. Hat man diese so erfüllt diese Pflanze auch hoch gesteckte Erwartungen und man versteht den Hype um diese Sorte.

Großes Aroma...großes Kino! (27.01.2019, 12:19)

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Esta unica perfil de esta planta fue subida por: Asher, Bluefox y Mastercard.

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