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Power Seeds

Power Seeds

Power Seeds @ SeedFinders Base de datos de criadores

Aquí puedes encontrar toda la infórmacion sobre el criador de cannabis Power Seeds. Hemos recopilado info sobre 25 Variedades de Cannabis de raza de Power Seeds. Haga clic en los nombres para encontrar más información, fotos, comentarios, comparaciones y tiendas para una variedad - y / o consulte la Información del Obtentor aquí en la página para obtener más información sobre Power Seeds. También es posible visualizar todas las variedades de Power Seeds junto con todos sus padres o híbridos con nuestros mapas dinámicos. Échale un vistazo!

Mas informacion sobre este cultivador:

PowerSeeds are produced by the best, most experienced seed breeders in Europe. Years and years of searching, testing and selecting have made it possible to provide the best seeds of the highest quality. Every step of the breeding process is closely monitored. Every seed gets its own undivided attention from our passionate breeders.
The seeds are treated with the utmost care and professionalism. Cannabisseeds are very fragile when not in the ground – we package each bag by hand and check every seed before it gets packaged.

We have 30 different PowerSeeds; Autoflowering, Feminized and Regular. They all have their own advantages so there’s something for everyone: for growers who are just starting out and for those with more experience.

Enjoy Quality, Enjoy Power Seeds