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Crazy X Seeds

Crazy X Seeds

Crazy X Seeds @ SeedFinders Base de datos de criadores

Aquí puedes encontrar toda la infórmacion sobre el criador de cannabis Crazy X Seeds. Hemos recopilado info sobre 7 Variedades de Cannabis de raza de Crazy X Seeds. Haga clic en los nombres para encontrar más información, fotos, comentarios, comparaciones y tiendas para una variedad - y / o consulte la Información del Obtentor aquí en la página para obtener más información sobre Crazy X Seeds. También es posible visualizar todas las variedades de Crazy X Seeds junto con todos sus padres o híbridos con nuestros mapas dinámicos. Échale un vistazo!

7 Variedades de Cannabis


Mas informacion sobre este cultivador:

All Crazy X cannabis seeds are hand-picked by their Crazy X-pert creator and organically grown with the upmost care, love and attention. Crazy X Seeds hope you get as much enjoyment out of them as they and countless others have.

These organically grown Crazy X Seeds should reach you fresh and in tiptop condition due to their handpicked nature. As the producer of these Crazy-X Seeds is so meticulous in his preparation and vigilant with his care and attention, you should get very good germination rates of 95%+ in all the many worldly regions where growing these cannabis seeds is legal. In such places, Crazy-X cannabis seeds will provide you with some of the finest examples of consumable horticulture known throughout all herbkind.